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Current and Recent Projects


Short Film

Written by Isabella Gómez Girón and Nanouli Shevardnadze

Produced in collaboration with Eudoxia Films


Isabella stars in A Friendship: when the paths of a French and a Colombian immigrant cross, their years of solitude and fear of not fitting in a country that’s not theirs disappears, until a new fear comes up once their legal status is coming to a possible end: the fear of losing each other. 


The film is currently in post-production and will be submitted to festivals in the future. 





Q-FRIENDS Premiered! (2021)

Short Film

Written and produced by Isabella Gomez Giron


Isabella's short comedic film premiered March 2021! While adjusting to being alone at the beginning of the pandemic, Isabella wrote and produced Q-FRIENDS with her broken Iphone and tripod. It follows four eccentric women who join (or are forced by their parents to join) an online program (Q-Friends - quarantine friends) designed to forge new relationships during this isolation period. 


You can find it on youtube and




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CIRINEO (2020 - 2021)

Written by Herman Moreno

Produced by iD Studio Theater

Directed by German Jaramillo


Isabella will be starring in iD Studio Theater's upcoming project: Cirineo.  

Directed by the renowned Colombian actor German Jaramillo, who recently performed in Lincoln Center, and previously won best actor from the Organizacion Hispana de Actores Latinos. The creative team includes the world-class musician duo: Polly Ferman and Daniel Binelli, the Colombian arranger and composer Pablo Mayor, and the choreographer, dancer, previously member of the Limon Dance Company, Daniel Fetecua.


She just wrapped up shooting the film version of the play, and will be performing live later this Spring!






Written by Tess Taylor, Produced by Elizabeth Dell


Tess Taylor, author of five acclaimed poetry collections, and Elizabeth Dell, creative producer (recently produced Destination Wedding), organized the first reading of Taylor's play Detective Story, in which Isabella got to play Julie. 




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MACBETH by William Shakespeare (2020)

Directed by Ed Eaton


Produced and starred in her first virtual theatre show, a spooky cut of Shakespeare's Macbeth, centered around the three witches (premiered October 2020). Isabella played Luxuria, one of the three witches. 


"Hubo una actuación que, emergiendo del sfumato de su cuadrante escénico virtual, nos hizo fijar los sentidos en una actriz deseando tener el poder sobre un botón que le iluminara más su aparición sensual, cautivante, hechicera de Zoom, Luxuria, se hizo carne en la colombiana, barranquillera, Isabella Gómez Girón. . . es una actriz joven con un magnetismo que traspasa la pantalla porque su arte, su pasión por el drama, está presente en todo su ser con gran profesionalismo. La veremos en el firmamento como una estrella rutilante que con su fuego se resiste a la banalidad de nuestros días para hacer arte, que subirá desde Latinoamérica, justo en esta nueva edad de la cultura.” - LA REVISTA ACTUAL (Lucero Martínez - Directora Academia de Teatro Musical Pierrot - Columnista El Heraldo, El Tiempo). 


The darkly red Luxuria, played by Isabella Gómez; the white-clad and deceivingly innocent Avaritia, played by Stephanie Cha; and Ira, played by Chloe Citron, who is always surrounded in shadows, are three well developed characters that truly surpassed my expectations. These three witches deserve their own play wreaking havoc on mere mortals. This production is a solid exploration of Shakespeare’s original during the time of the pandemic. (Juan Recondo – Adjunct Professor at the City University of New York and New York University. His main fields of research are Latinx and Latin American Theatre and Performance, Black Cinema, and Postcolonial Theory.) 


This production also partnered with with the Theater department of Norte Vista High School, CAL. Through weekly workshops dictated by the cast, the artists aim to uplift students dealing with the adaptation to virtual learning.

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THIS IS ME EATING____ (2020)

Et Alia Theater Online Series


Isabella participated in Et Alia Theater's : "This is Me Eating ___," an online series that explores the intricate relationship on can have with eating, food, and body image.


Check it out on Et Alia Theater's vimeo and here too! 

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NYU Tisch and Stella Adler Studio of Acting


Recently named a University Honors Scholar due to placing in the top 40% of the Tisch School of the Arts graduates.


And also received the Outstanding Achievement in Studio Award for the Stella Adler Studio of Acting.


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A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM by William Shakespeare (2019)

Dir. Kern McFadden


Isabella participated in the community outreach tour of the Stella Adler Studio of Acting as Puck from A Midsummer Night's Dream. The company performed in detention facilities, elder homes and school around NYC's five boroughs. 


Check out Stella Adler 's Company Tour blog: "To That I'll Speak" to read one of Isabella's reflection on this process, and read what other participants had to say as well!


Puck - Midsummer Night's Dream


Short Film - Written, produced, edited by Isabella


Q-friends, a short series to be released this spring (2021), follows 4 eccentric, very different, women, who join or are forced to join a new online program developed during the Covid-19 pandemic to forge new friendships. Created by Isabella during complete quarantine.

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© 2020 by Isabella Gómez Giron. Proudly created with

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